10 End of the School Year Writing Prompts

It’s always a bittersweet moment for therapists, teachers and all school personnel at the end of each school year, as it is for most students as well. But although the school year is ending, the writing shouldn’t! (As all OT’s would say!

Here are 10 fun and creative end of the school year writing prompts to get your little ones reflecting on the past year as well as anticipating for the next:

✏️Farewell Letter – A farewell letter to the teacher, therapist or any one you will truly miss. Probably the hardest thing for anyone to read!

✏️Letter of Advice – What will you tell the future student who will be taking your seat in this class? What advice can you give them about succeeding in the coming year?

✏️Letter to Your Future Self/Class – Are you excited about meeting your future classmates? What do you want them to know; what do you want to remind yourself on?

✏️Favorite Memories from this Year – This can be a memory from school or from outside of school.

✏️Summer Bucket List – Who doesn’t enjoy this one?!

One (or two) things you learned this year that you will take with you in the coming year – No explanation needed on this one.

✏️Compliments to Your Classmates – Write one nice thing about each of your classmates on a separate page for each person. Pass them around until everyone gets all their compliments.

✏️An Accomplishment You’re Proud of (of the many!)

✏️A Challenge you Overcame – If the pandemic and remote learning wasn’t challenging enough!

✏️Thank You Letter to a Parent, Teacher, (ahem Therapist) or any Adult that Supported you this Year.

Hope these are beneficial – share more writing prompt ideas in the comments!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe summer break.